This involves 'scoping' to identify the environmental impacts of a development in line with planning policy and legislation, and a multi-disciplinary approach combining a range of environmental surveys and assessments.
We offer a range of ecology assessments including Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (or Phase I Habitat Surveys), Protected Species Surveys (e.g. Reptile Surveys & Translocation), Biodiversity Net Gain Assessments, Mitigation & Enhancement Strategies, Arboricultural Surveys, Invasive Species Surveys and Treatments.
These are required to ensure a site is suitable for its proposed use. We offer Phase I (or Preliminary Contamination Risk Assessments), Phase II Intrusive Site Investigations & Contamination Risk Assessments, Soil Surveys, Remediation Strategies, and Verification Plans and Reports.
Our Drainage Assessments include both surface water and foul water management. We conduct infiltration testing, drainage modelling, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) design and produce both outline and detailed schemes.
Site specific flood risk assessments are required for development in susceptible areas or sites larger than 1 hectare. We assess the history of flooding, future flood risk, impact of climate change and safety of occupants, to make recommendations on flood protection and resilience.
Noise can have a significant effect on the environment and the quality of life enjoyed by individuals and communities. We monitor and analyse noise levels across all types of sites, producing detailed mitigation measures in line with safety regulations and World Health Organisation guidelines.
Dust generated in many industrial and construction activities can have implications for employees as well as local residents. Our exposure and monitoring assessments can include active monitoring and dust fall or deposition monitoring.
We offer Air Quality Assessments for the effects of ambient air quality on proposed receptors and effects of proposed development on ambient air quality. This may include NO2 diffusion tubes, modelling, traffic screening and plume discharge models.
For new developments in certain regions, water usage must be equal to or less than water usage before development. Our reports make an assessment of current and proposed water usage, providing recommendations of means to reduce and reuse water.
We offer testing, analysis and monitoring of water quality from a variety of sources, including potable water abstractions, groundwater, and watercourses.
This assessment reviews impacts on the site and neighbouring properties potentially impacted by a development, analysing elevation plans and maps to calculate any change in daylight and sunlight as a consequence of development, and providing recommendations to prevent a significant reduction in light.
A Nitrate, or Nutrient Neutrality Assessment, is required where development results in an increase in discharge of treated wastewater into waterbodies. We review current and proposed land use to calculate a nitrogen budget, to assess and determine mitigation requirements.